How do we help - meetings

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Meeting parents

Sometimes it can only help that someone understands your situation because they're not very different from theirs. We prepare regular meetings of support parent groups and informal meetings with lectures and discussions.

Parent meetings

At least twice a year we try to organize a meeting of parents with an interesting program. The method of signing in is always indicated in the meeting invitation which we publish in News on our website and on our FB page and Instagram profile.

Supporting parent groups

Meetings are designed for moms and dads, the participation of both parents (if possible) is highly recommended. Meeting a supportive parent group that runs a experienced therapist, starting in October and in a closed group run until May of the following year every second Saturday of the month from 10 am to 1 pm. If necessary, we will arrange babysitting at the meeting point. Participation in the group and possible related babysitting are such as simple conditions when meeting certain simple conditions (CS) thanks to support of our donors free of charge. You want to know more? Contact us at Contact us at

In the same time we support different types of parents ‘groups on other places in Czech Republic. Another in Prague (, in Chouzovy near Pilsen (, in Hlučín ( and in Olomouc ( You want to know more? Would like to establish/support parents´ group at your place? Contact us at

Gathering of organization dedicated to autism

There are harsh debates in autistic community who is autistic and who is not, who is better and who is worse, who is really suffering and who is just pretending to suffer, who deserve help and who makes money on autism. We came to conclusion that these debates are not helping anyone and anything. We believe that there is no “one and only” way for all and we are convinced that every parent, expert, organization is trying to do his/her/its best based on available information. We believe that gathering, sharing and respectful debate might lead to cooperation and mutual support and that together we can achieve more than each of us separately. That is why we decided to organize at least twice a year gathering of the organizations dedicated to autism, which want to consider possibilities of collaboration. We believe that mutual respect, consideration and empathy can improve the situation of the whole community and bring more joy to the lives of autistic organizations, parents and autistic people themselves.

Founders of the fund


The AutTalk Foundation

Our own story, simple and usual reason, made us to set up a foundation. Our symbol is the blue heart because the topic is simply a matter of heart for us. Blue color is a symbol of autism, and that is why our heart is blue. The AutTalk foundation was established with love, faith in cooperation and determination to improve the chances of children with ASD and their families.

Our team is you! All of you who, like us, have a personal experience with autism spectrum disorder. All of you who feel you want to share their experiences and contribute to making things move the right direction. Contact us!

More information


Nadační fond AutTalk
Kateřiny Sokolové
Korunní 2569/108
101 00, Praha 10 Vinohrady
IČ: 044 15 957
Tel.: +420 606 587 093

BU: 333124124 / 2010